Sunday, July 1, 2018

2018 Mission Reunion Pictures!

Thank you so much to everyone who came to our reunion! We had a great time. :-) We've also decided to hold all future reunions at this location. (It's only eight miles from Temple Square.) So, count on the Friday before General Conference every October to meet your past mission companions in Millcreek, Utah!

Valley View Stake Park
3580 South 2000 East
Millcreek, Utah 84106

(We'll reserve a building too, in case of bad weather.)

Many thanks to Elias Adams And Emilee (Barber) Ferguson for volunteering to help me plan reunions. I appreciate it. :-) And thanks to Emilee for arranging for us to use her stake park! We LOVED it there!

And now, it's picture time!!! :-)

Annnnnnd.... I forgot to get a picture of my husband and me with our kids. Oops. :-) We'll be there next year, so for sure will get one then. :-)

Again, thanks to everyone who was able to make it. President and Sister Taylor send their love!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Reunion information finalized!!!

We've got all of the reunion information finalized! Here it is:

Day: Saturday, June 30
Time: 11:00am
Location: Valley View Stake Park
3580 South 2000 East
Millcreek, Utah 84106

NO FOOD ASSIGNMENTS! President and Sister Taylor are taking care of that. A few other things:
  • Kids welcome (there's a playground)
  • We need outdoor games for kids
And that's it! Don't forget to update your information on our spreadsheet!

Many thanks!

Sunday, May 27, 2018

CTEM Reunion 2018

Hey, everyone! We're excited to announce that the reunion for 2018 has been planned. Check out the details below:

Day: Saturday, June 30
Time: 11:00am
Location: Valley View Stake Park
3580 South 2000 East
Millcreek, Utah 84106

We'll most likely be having scones, with everyone bringing a side. I'll get back to you on what you should bring, once the "main" food is confirmed. (And we'll be looking for gluten free options too, just in case.)

NOW THEN: We need volunteers! We've got a huge list of missionaries we need to call to get updated information from and to invite to the reunion. Would you please consider volunteering? The more people who help out, the easier it'll be. And you don't need to be local to make calls. :-)

Also, please come update your information in our spreadsheet. If you're not in it, go ahead and add yourself. (If that link doesn't work, copy and paste this into your address bar:

While you're updating: Change the color of the text to GREEN, once it has correct information. If you aren't sure how to do this, let me know (, and I'll do it for you. Thanks!

This is an old list, but it's what we've got. If you know of any information for anyone else that has changed, and you're positive the info you have is correct, update the spreadsheet for that person.

LAST! Make sure you're in our newsletter group! It's the best way for us to keep everyone updated on things going on with missionaries and mission reunions. Come join here. (

Thank you so very much! We're so excited for June 30!!!
